Origami Horse

The horse is a pretty realistic-looking model. It is similar to The Loch Ness Monster in design, although the outcome is quite different. It looks best when made of brown paper, and if you have patterned paper this is a model that works good (with zebra patterned paper you could make a zebra).

Step 1: Fold a fish base

Step 2: Mountain fold the bottom point around and up to the top

Step 3: Valley fold the left point up...


...and inside reverse fold the flap up

Step 4: Precrease and inside reverse fold the top point down

Step 5: Valley fold the point back to form the head of the horse

Step 6: To start forming the front legs, valley fold the triangular flaps over the right

Step 7: Valley fold the flap back over partway

Step 8: Precrease, then outside reverse fold the far left point down

Step 9: Valley fold that tip back partway so the feet are flatter and the legs shorter

Step 10: Open up the neck...

...and fold it partway in (as shown). This makes the neck thinner and not stick out

Your horse is now completed!

Yee-Haw! Ride 'em cowboy!


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