Origami Swan (medium)

The swan is a very elegant bird, and this origami model is no exception. It is quite a bit harder than the other swan I have on this blog, and I do not go over the reverse folds in detail. It is best when made out of white paper, but I used yellow to help distinguish each side better.

Step 1: Fold a kite base and turn it over so that the flaps are on the back

Step 2: Valley fold the far left point in

Step 3: Valley fold that same point to the far left edge

Step 4: Continue folding the point out so the crease you made in step 3 lines up with the left edge

Step 5: Valley fold the model in half

Step 6: Take the far left point and bring it down a little to adjust the fold (this step is optional so if you don't understand just skip it)

Step 7: Valley fold the bottom edge to the top, and mountain fold the far flap up at the same angle

Step 8: Valley fold the far right point to the far left

Step 9: Unfold

Step 10: Flip the model over so the top becomes the bottom

Step 11: Valley fold the model along the two points marked below (one is at the top of the crease made in step 8, and the other is just the edge of a flap)

Step 12: Unfold

Step 13: Outside reverse fold the flap up

Step 14: Now fold the far left point back so it is parallel to the body

Step 15: Unfold

Step 16: Inside reverse fold the flap up along the precreases made earlier

Step 17: Valley fold the point straight up

Step 18: Unfold

Step 19: Inside reverse fold the flap up

Step 20: Valley fold the point down (this will become the head, but leave the head slightly longer than normal)

Step 21: Unfold

Step 22: Outside reverse fold the flap down

Step 23: To form the beak (this is the underside view of the head) valley fold the tip, and then mountain fold it back

 It will look like this:

Flatten the head again, fold down the wings a little, and your swan is complete!


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