The Dragon (medium)

The dragon is a relatively easy model to fold, as long as you know how to do inside and outside reverse folds well (I do not go over them in detail). If you struggle with them, try some simpler models first. It is not my favorite dragon, but it's not a terrible model.

Step 1: Fold a bird base and have the separate flaps pointing to the left

Step 2: Valley fold the top and bottom edges on the right side to the center

Step 3: Take the right flap at the very bottom and mountain fold it back behind

Step 4: (sideways view) Place your fingers in the middle of the layers and open it... it looks like this:

Step 5: Valley fold the top layer of the right hand side over, using the center line as an axis

Step 6: Valley fold the bottom right edge up

Step 7: Turn the model over and repeat steps 5 and 6 on this side... it looks like this:

Step 8: Take the top layer of the bottom right edge and valley fold it up

Step 9: Mountain fold the back flap up as well (this will make the neck appear less fat)

Step 10: Precrease and reverse fold the far right point up as shown in the picture:

Step 11: Precrease and reverse fold the same point so it is parallel to the ground, and have this part be much longer than you would think the head should be (you'll see why next step)

Step 12: (underside view of the head) Valley fold the tip back a good ways

Step 13: Valley fold the same tip to the edge

Step 14: Flatten to create the mouth

Step 15: Pull down the flap under the head to open your dragon's mouth

Now for the tail

Step 16: Grip the tail near the base with two hands, and push together to crimp the paper and curve the tail (if you do not understand just reverse fold it however you like)

Step 17: Repeat step 16 on the lower section of the tail to get a nice curve

Step 18: To create the wings, valley fold the tip down

Step 19: Unfold and valley fold the edge to the crease you just made

Step 20: Unfold and valley fold the edge to the crease you made in step 19

Step 21: Valley fold the wing so the crease you made in step 19 aligns with the body

This produces a nice winglike curve

Step 22: Repeat steps 18-21 on the other wing...

...and you have yourself a fearsome dragon!


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