The Dragon (easy)

The dragon is a rather easy model that I designed myself. It is not too difficult; if you can fold a flapping bird you should be able to fold this dragon.

Step 1: Fold a bird base and have the two separate flaps point down

Step 2: Valley fold the right hand flap up at the angle shown in the picture

Step 3: Unfold

Step 4: Mountain fold the same flap at the same angle and unfold

Step 5: Now open up the pocket and inside reverse fold the flap up

Step 6: Flatten and repeat steps 2 through 5 on the left flap

You will get something that looks like this:

Step 7: Valley fold the tip of the left hand flap back at the angle shown below

Step 8: Unfold

Step 9: Mountain fold the same flap at the same angle as in step 7

Step 10: Open the flap and outside reverse fold the flap to become the head and neck of your dragon

Step 11: Flatten

Step 12: Valley fold the top flap down so that it forms a straight line extending from the tip of the tail to the tip of the newly formed wing

Step 13: Mountain fold the other wing down at the same angle

Step 14: Unfold both wings

Step 15: Valley fold the tip of the wing down to the crease line made earlier and unfold

Step 16: Valley fold the wing to the most recent crease and unfold

Step 17: Repeat steps 15 and 16 on the other wing. Valley fold the tip of the wing straight down like so

Step 18: Mountain fold the other wing down at the same angle

Step 19: Unfurl the wings so they have sort of a curl

Step 20: Take the triangular flap at the bottom of the model and valley fold up

Step 21: Fold the tip of that flap down to form a foot and a leg 

Step 22: Unfold the foot so it looks like this:

Step 23: Repeat steps 20 through 22 on all the remaining feet and your dragon is complete! It will flap its wings like the flapping bird, but you have to flatten the folds made to the back feet.


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