Origami Sampan

A sampan is a Japanese flat-bottomed boat, usually made out of wood. However, this origami sampan is made from paper and is a lot smaller (although you could make it out of a bigger piece of paper). There is also a dollar bill sampan version that is similar to this one.

Step 1: Start with your paper  face up and valley fold the bottom edge to the top

Step 2: Unfold and fold the top and bottom edges into the center

Now we'll work with just the bottom right corner...

Step 3: Valley fold the corner diagonally

Step 4: Valley fold the edge formed in step 3 to the center line

Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 on on four corners so it looks like this:

Step 6: Valley fold the top and bottom points to the center line

Now for the tricky part...
Step 7: Open up the layers...

...fold them back...

...and push the bottom of the the model so it reverses itself (be careful not to rip the paper!)...

...so it looks like this

Step 8: Repeat step 7 on the right side

Your origami sampan is now finished! They can float, but not for very long unless you make them from thicker paper.


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