The Hopping Frog

The hopping frog is an easy model to fold, and is very rewarding in the end. The frog will imitate its real-life cousins and actually hop with the press of a finger.

Step 1: Fold a waterbomb base

Step 2: Valley fold the bottom left corner to the top

Step 3: Valley fold the bottom right corner to the top

Step 4: Valley fold the bottom two edges of the square to the center

Step 5: Valley fold the edges that meet in the center out. This completes the front legs of your frog. Now for the back legs:

Step 6: Turn the model over so the top becomes the bottom

Step 7: Fold both the bottom right and left edges of the triangle to the center

Step 8: Valley fold the edges that meet in the center out to form the back legs

Step 9: Rotate the model 180 degrees

Step 10: Turn the model over (sorry about the sideways pic)

Step 11: Valley fold the back legs up so they are about even with the head in the center

Step 12: Mountain fold the back legs back, but only halfway

This completes your origami hopping frog!

To make your froggy hop, put your finger on the frog's back and press down so the layers are on top of each other. Remove your finger and the frog will spring forward.


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