The Flapping Bird

The flapping bird is relatively easy, and is one of the few origami models that are designed to move (in this case flap). The flapping bird also teaches the inside reverse fold, which can be tricky at first.

Step 1: Fold a bird base and have the two separate flaps at the bottom

Step 2: Valley fold the right flap up at about the angle shown in the picture

Step 3: Unfold and turn over

Step 4: Now valley fold the left hand flap (which used to be the right hand flap) at the same angle as in step 2

Step 5: Unfold and rotate 90 degrees so it is on its side

Step 6: Now bring the flap up and position it at the angle that the previous creases were at and flatten. This fold is called the inside reverse fold and may take a few attempts to get right. The inside reverse fold is used so the fold is not made to the right or left sides, but is made in the center and should be even.

Step 7: Repeat steps 1 through 6 on the opposite flap (fold the left flap when it says right, and vice versa) You should get something like this:

Step 8: Now take the left flap and valley fold the tip down to the ground. This is the head, so you can experiment with the angle to find one that looks most like a bird.

Step 9: Unfold and turn over

Step 10: Now valley fold the left flap (which used to be the right flap) at the same angle you did in step 8 and unfold

Step 11: Turn the model on the side with so the head faces towards you

Step 12: Now inside reverse fold the head by opening the neck up and pushing the head down

Step 13: Flatten the head

Step 14: Valley fold the the highest point  down like shown to become a wing

Step 15: Flip over and repeat step 14 on this side

You should get something like this:

Step16: Unfold the wings to an appropriate angle and your flapping bird is complete!

To make it flap its wings, grab the tail of the bird at about the halfway point and pull gently. This will make the wings come forward and 'flap'.


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