The Square Base

The square base is an easy base than all origamists should know, because it is used to make a great amount of origami models, especially traditional ones.

Step 1: Start with a square piece of origami paper, colored side down (the size of paper does not matter, but a bigger piece of paper is better for complicated models)

Step 2: Valley fold the paper in half along the vertical axis and crease

Step 3: Unfold

Step 4: Valley fold the paper along  the horizontal axis and crease

Step 5: Unfold the paper and turn over

Step 6: Valley fold the top left corner down to the bottom right corner and crease

Step 7: Unfold

Step 8: Valley fold the top right corner to the bottom left

Step 9: Unfold

Step 10: Here's the tricky part: put a finger under the paper at the vertex and push up, pulling the edges together until they all come to together

 Step 11: Rotate 45 degrees and press the edges down until they are flat

The completed square base! You can now proceed to make any models that start with the square base.


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