Origami Witches' Claws

These wearable origami witches' claws are the perfect addition to (almost) any Halloween costume. They are extremely easy, and it doesn't take long to fold enough for both hands. I folded mine from black construction paper to make them sturdier, but regular origami paper works fine too.

Step 1: Orient your paper regularly. If you are using origami paper have the white side up.

Step 2: Valley fold the top left corner down to the bottom right

Step 3: Valley fold the top corner to the far left corner

Step 4: Valley fold the top right edge down to the bottom edge

Step 5: Valley fold the left tip over

Step 6: Crease and unfold

Step 7: Open the little pocket created by the fold in step 4

Step 8: Tuck the little tip from step 6 into the pocket

Your witches' claws are now complete! To wear them, open the pocket from step 8 and just put your fingers in them.



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